Figures and Graphics

Provided below are figures and graphics to be used for referencing, publicizing, or presenting CIViC. With the exception of the branding graphics and otherwise indicated, these figures have been released under the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0 Universal) license, placing them in the pubic domain to be used, distributed, or modified for any purpose without permission.

CIViC Process and Ecosystem Figures

Process figures show the activity related to curating, editing, and using CIViC, and its relationships to external data/knowledge sources, or other processes in the biocuration ecosystem.


Contribution of CIViC to the precision cancer treatment cycle - This diagram summarizes how research, clinical treatment, and CIViC knowledge curation are interrelated. The CIViC knowledgebase aims to develop clinical interpretations for raw cancer variant observations stored in large variant databases (grey). Each CIViC variant interpretation is based on published evidence and leverages complementary knowledgebases and ontologies wherever possible (yellow). The precision medicine clinical treatment cycle (blue) and research cycle (green) both involve sampling, sequencing, analysis, interpretation, intervention, evaluation, and publication. These cycles start with hypothesis generation, followed by research projects or clinical trials, and dissemination of their findings. Examples of how each stage specifically relates to or benefits from the CIViC resource are represented by ‘persona’ icons for the four types of CIViC stakeholders: research scientists (green), clinical scientists (blue), patient advocates (orange), and developers (red). Each is accompanied by a brief description of a possible research, clinical, outreach, or software development action. In the center of the diagram, key features of the CIViC interface and knowledge model are summarized (purple). These include the roles and permissions of CIViC users, especially consumers of the content, curators, and editors. Members of the CIViC community participate by adding, editing, discussing, and approving individual evidence records and summaries that support the clinical interpretation of cancer variants. Anyone willing to login may assume the role of curator, but contributions must be reviewed by expert editors prior to acceptance. A version of this graphic was published in Griffith et al. 2017.


CIViC precision cancer treatment process - This diagram combines the treatment cycle figure above with elements of the Curation ‘Funnel’ Diagram to show how CIViC fits into the sequencing, analysis, reporting, and treatment phases of precision cancer treatment.


Curation ‘Funnel’ Diagram - Illustrates the distillation of clinically actionable knowledge from raw sequencing data, with an emphasis on the bottleneck created by the increasing high-level curation burden on research scientists. Useful to illustrate how CIViC can help alleviate this curation burden by turning the process into a collaborative, social effort. A version of this graphic was published in Good et al. 2014.


Adding and Updating Evidence Flowchart - Shows how evidence is submitted, rejected or accepted, curated, and used to support variant summaries and assertions. A version of this graphic was published in Danos et al. 2019.


Adding Evidence to Support Assertions - Provides a visual overview of how evidence can be added, curated, and then incorporated into an Assertion record to support an Assertion statement.


Curating Predisposing Assertions - Illustrates how CIViC Predisposing Assertions summarize a collection of predisposing Evidence Items which reflect the state of literature for the given variant and cancer type. Appropriate ACMG codes are applied to the Evidence items on an individual basis. ACMG codes are then combined at the Assertion level to generate a pathogenicity valuation for the Assertion. A version of this graphic was published in Danos et al. 2019.


Curating Non-Predisposing Assertions - Shows how CIViC Predictive/Therapeutic, Prognostic, and Diagnostic Assertions summarize a collection of predictive/therapeutic, prognostic or diagnostic Evidence Items respectively, that together reflect the current literature for a given variant and cancer type. The AMP guidelines are followed in order to apply an AMP Tier and Level to the Assertion. A version of this graphic was published in Danos et al. 2019.

CIViC Model Figures

These figures provide details about CIViC’s knowledge model, showing how the various entities in CIViC are related and how they may be associated to external data sources or user input.


CIViC Gene Fields - Shows the attributes and links that comprise a CIViC Gene. A version of this graphic was published in Danos et al. 2019.


CIViC Variant Fields - Shows the attributes and links that comprise a CIViC Variant. A version of this graphic was published in Danos et al. 2019.


CIViC Variant Group Fields - Shows the attributes and links that comprise a CIViC Variant Group. A version of this graphic was published in Danos et al. 2019.


CIViC Evidence Item Fields - Shows the attributes and links that comprise a CIViC Evidence Item. A version of this graphic was published in Danos et al. 2019.


CIViC Assertion Fields - Shows the attributes and links that comprise a CIViC Assertion. A version of this graphic was published in Danos et al. 2019.


CIViC Source Fields - Shows the attributes and links that comprise a CIViC Source.

CIViC Branding

We’ve provided the CIViC branding images below to assist in referencing CIViC in presentations, figures, and user interfaces.

As these images convey the unique CIViC brand, we have released them under the more limited Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-IND 4.0), allowing you to copy and redistribute the images but not modify or build upon them.


Large CIViC Logo for Light Backgrounds (1017x429) - A CIViC logo intended for placement over light background, provided at a resolution appropriate for print or high-resolution contexts.


CIViC Logo for Light Backgrounds (678x286) - A CIViC logo suitable for general usage on digital media.


Small CIViC Logo for Light Backgrounds (488x206) - A small CIViC logo suitable for digital media.


Very Small CIViC Logo for Light Backgrounds (286x103) - A very small CIViC logo suitable for digital media in space-constrained contexts.


Large CIViC Logo for Dark Backgrounds (1017x429) - A CIViC logo intended for placement over dark background, provided at a resolution appropriate for print or high-resolution contexts.


CIViC Logo for Dark Backgrounds (678x286) - A CIViC logo suitable for general usage on digital media.


Small CIViC Logo for Dark Backgrounds (488x206) - A small CIViC logo suitable for digital media.


Very Small CIViC Logo for Dark Backgrounds (286x103) - A very small CIViC logo suitable for digital media in space-constrained contexts.