Evidence Items

At the heart of CIViC is the clinical evidence statement. The clinical evidence statement is a piece of information that has been manually curated from trustable medical literature about a molecular profile (variant) or genomic ‘event’ that has implications for protein function, oncogenicity, cancer predisposition, diagnosis (aka molecular classification), prognosis, or predictive response to therapy. For example, “Patients with BRAF V600 mutations respond well to the drug dabrafenib”. A molecular profile is comprised of one or more variant(s) which may be a single nucleotide substitution, a small insertion or deletion, an RNA gene fusion, a chromosomal rearrangement, an RNA expression pattern (e.g. over-expression), etc. Each clinical evidence statement corresponds to a single citable publication.

Evidence Items follow a structured knowledge model with required fields: Molecular Profile Name (Gene/Variant), Source, Variant Origin, Disease, Evidence Statement, Evidence Type, Evidence Level, Evidence Direction, Significance, and Trust Rating) with additional optional fields (Associated Phenotypes, etc). For some Evidence Types, additional required or optional fields become available (e.g., Predictive Evidence Types require a Therapy/Drug Name).